German Township Zoning Department
12102 State Route 725 West
German Twp., Ohio  45327
Phone:  (937) 855-7882
German Twp. Zoning Department

The zoning office is open on Tuesdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm, and other hours by appointment.

Zoning Meetings:

The Board of Zoning Appeals meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm, as needed, to hear cases.

The Zoning Commission meets on the 1st Tuesday at the begining of each quarter at 7:00pm.


German Township Conditional Use / Variance Cover Page  - 

German Township Zoning Certificate Application  -  Use this form for new construction, additions, pools, decks, fences, and other accessory buildings. You must attach a copy of the deed and a plot plan with the application.

German Township Zoning Certificate Application for Signs  -  Use this form for signs. You must attach a copy of the plot plan with the application.

German Township Zoning Conditional Use Application  -  Use this form to request a Conditional Use. Please contact the Zoning Inspector for further information.

German Township Zoning Variance Application  -  Use this form to request a Variance. Please contact the Zoning Inpsector for further information.

German Township Zoning Complaint Form  -  Use this form to make a complaint about a zoning violation in the township. You do not have to include your name and address unless you want to be notified of the steps being taken.

German Township Zoning Ag Exempt Form  -  Use this form if you meet the conditions of the exemption for barns and other outbuildings.

German Township Zoning Change Application  -  Use this form to request a change in zoning.